Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Fire Truck Party

Recently, I made cupcakes for a sprinkle shower and the word got out I made them.  It has been a baking frenzy since.  I was asked to make a fire truck cake for a cute little friend of ours and 100 cupcakes for a birthday party.  This was the first fire truck cake I have ever made.  It was pretty easy with the help of my hubby.  I asked him if he could draw everything up for me with exact measurements so it could be as perfect as possible and of course I took lots of pictures.  Sadly all the tutorials on Pinterest were very hard or ugly so I put one together that anyone could do.  But Check these out I am very proud of our hard work I was very scarred it would come out terrible.

completed fire truck

lined up listening to the fireman

Nolan & Griffin (aka birthday boy)

my little poser

a very serious ballon artist

my sweet very pregnant friend lauren serving up a birthday cake
cupcakes I made as well
Gracies mermaid balloon
and nolans going away gift from the party...a water gun

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