I guess it is time for a new photo. I am now 30 weeks and growing. The worst thing right now are my legs at night, my muscles are crazy and it seems that a warm bath is the only thing that will settle them down so I can sleep. The best part is how much the baby moves. For those who have not been pregnant yet it is strange but so neat. It is weird to watch my stomach move when she kicks or just the strange sensation of her moving around. Often when I am at my desk at work and my stomach presses against it she kicks. Almost as though it is in her way, invading what little space she has. It has been a lot of fun to watch Troy's reactions when he can feel her press very hard against my stomach and then move it up a long my stomach. Obviously it is hard to describe but it is just amazing.
Recent Project:
I decided I would like to make a baby blanket. So, I went to JoAnn Fabric's, picked out what I liked and told the lady what I wanted to do. She helped me figure out how much fabric I needed and the size of the squares. Once I got home and started cutting the squares and laid them out I realized the blanket was going to cover my bed. A lot bigger then I had imagined the size the baby blanket should be. I did not want to waste all the squares I cut so, I made 3 baby blankets, yes not 1 but 3. I am just finishing on the last one, thank the lord. I do not want to think about another blanket for a long time. Hopefully she still comes out as a girl because if not well no blankets for him. They are not at all perfect but I am proud of myself.
For all you ladies, is a baby bedding set a waste of money? Yes, it is fun but you are not suppose to even use the blanket that comes with it on the baby and I recently was told that once the baby is moving in anyway you are suppose to remove the bumper. So, I would love to hear your thoughts on this or you can just vote. I figured I could get more opinions this way.