Monday, August 10, 2009

9 Months

So, today Candace and I took Gracie to the doctor for her nine month appointment. This meant two things we got to see how much she has grown and Gracie got a shot, which was my first time with her during a shot. Candace has told me several times how sad it is to see Gracie get a shot and i didn't realize how much it breaks her little heart when the nurse pokes her. My little girl was strong and did not cry for more than a few seconds and is a real trooper. Gracie weighed 17 lbs and 11 onces and which is in the 28th percentile for her age. She was, according to the nurse, 27 and one quarter inches long which was somewhere in like the 35th percentile. The doctor did say this couldn't be right because she looks much longer than that. Its just strange for me to see her be so little comparatively, because i don't think i have ever in my life been below the 75th percentile for any size category? Oh well, hopefully this means she will look like her mother!
Thinking back over these last nine months some things have become very relevant for me. First, it is hard to imagine life before Gracie was born or ever being without her in Candace's and my life. Second, it has been an amazing journey to see Gracie develop, change, and grow. Gracie has brought great joy and laughter to our lives. Third, I am truly blessed to have such an amazing wife who is a great mother to our daughter. Candace is just so gifted at being a mother I sometimes am amazed at all she does and still works full-time. I may be one of the most blessed husbands and fathers in the world.

Troy Schenk


Emily said...

I believe you are, Troy, one of the most blessed by your girls! We love them too!

Jennifer said...

So sweet! And she is just getting cuter by the day!! I love her cotton-stuffed cheeks:)

The Burgess family said...

So neat to hear Troy's thoughts. And I agree, isn't it interesting how once a baby arrives it seems like they've always been a part of your lives? (although Pearl is such a stinker that we actually CAN remember life without her. but we love her anyway).