Monday, November 24, 2008

Gracie is 1 Month

Surprised? Me too! Gracie is a month old today and an updated post is way past due. We are all doing great. The first month has been busy. I had my family in town helping me the first week, Troy's family the second and my mom came back while Troy went out of town for the Victory Bowl. We then traveled to Cincinnati for Thanksgiving and Gracie did great. Gracie got to meet her Uncle Steve and Aunt Kassi for the first time. It was nice to spend time with them we so rarely get to see in person instead of online. She was passed around a lot this holiday and she seemed to love every minute of it. Troy and I were able to catch up with friends while in Cincinnati and to show off our little pride and joy. It was so nice to be able to see everyone.

Gracie did not seem to be fazed by the trip or the slight change in routine. She seems to adjust to everything wonderfully. Right now she is sleeping 4 and 5 hours at a time at night so I am able to catch up on some sleep. One of our nights in Cincinnati Gracie slept 7 hours straight, which was great but I on the other hand woke up anyway to check on her, and trying to make sure nothing was wrong. Needless to say I did not enjoy the 7 hours of sleep. I am praying that she is up for it again soon so I can take in the zzz's that are well needed.

PS-there were some people we did not get to see we are sorry and wished we did. Thanks to all for your love and support it means so much to me and troy. Also we have all these wonderful friends who keep telling us about amazing songs. So I added another which I also love.

Anyway, here are pictures which is what you really want to see. Enjoy!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Quick Update

Gracie Lynn Schenk
November 5, 2008
8 pounds, 1 ounce
19 1/2 inches

Here is Gracie info and I will post more pictures soon!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Gracie Lynn Schenk is here!

I will just share pictures for now I am sure you are ready to see them!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Just Some Thoughts!

Just some thoughts for the end of pregnancy on this day of November 3rd, 2008 when this child of mine should be making her debut but instead is warmly nuzzled in for a long winters nap.

1) Trying to distinguish what is normal
2) Not wanting to call the doctor to ask yet another question to make sure what is happening is normal.
3) Hoping not to be the girl at the hospital crying "wolf" or "baby on the way" and then finding out nothing is even happening yet.
4) Getting excited for something that turns out to be nothing

These are my end of pregnancy thoughts that seem to grow all the time.