Thursday, October 15, 2009

Thursday Snippet

A mother's biggest fear is if something were to happen would I protect my child? Will I be quick enough, will I lean in front of them or be able to keep them from harm? Or will I be too late and will my mind just shut down? These are at least some of my thoughts. One of my biggest fears is if I went down the steps and fell with Gracie in my arms would my arms go flying, would I hold onto her and protect her? Yes, these are the kind of things I think about and play out how I will handle them, almost like practicing, hoping that when the moment comes I will be ready. I know it sounds horrible but I think God lets these things happen on purpose, and I am completely ok with this. It gives me those moments to practice my reactions and how quick I think in those moments, it gives me the confidence that next time I will handle it even better then the last and I will do a great job. So, that being said, that is what happened heading to the basement to check the laundry I slipped and went down the steps. Thankfully I held on to Gracie with my right arm, I have no idea what the left was doing....I think trying to stop us, and my right arm/elbow seemed to take the brunt of the fall is it got banged over and over again going down. Of course there was crying, first by Gracie who was so scarred and I immediately go into a repetition of "mommy is so sorry" and checking her body over to make sure there were no injuries, then mommy started crying. What a rough moment, one that I am glad she won't remember.

After a situation such as this, well you can be a little emotional for the rest of the day. Example I went to the car to look for my camera and pulled on a string under the seat that I assumed was the camera case and I found my Istanbul pouch that I keep my gift cards in and I started crying. It may not sound like a big deal but I have been looking for it for over a month at least. I had been given a lot of money for Old Navy from the company I work for and it was to buy some new clothes for winter. They were happy tears for sure.

This is a picture of the beautiful colors on my arm
2 days after, bruised and throbbing in some areas.

After that interesting note, here is an adorable video of my Grace. I was able to capture a number of my favorite things she has been doing. Just a note the first little thing is how she reacts right now when she has been sad or in pain from her teeth, just a little dramatized, you will notice with this there is not a single tear. So funny....

Faces of Grace from Candace Schenk on Vimeo.


Jennifer said...

OUCH!!! Those maternal instincts kick right in!
What an adorable little girl. I love the drama...these girls don't have to be taught that stuff! :)

Emily said...

oh Candace! I dread those moments too! I am so sorry it happened to you! It is comforting that she won't remember it though.
What a cutie you have there! Treasure it, she will be such a big girl before you know it! Mine is way too big now, I can hardly believe it. :)

The Burgess family said...

I think it's sometimes smart to think ahead like that and "practice" in your head like you said. I always think of that when people assume the brakes on their car are going to work. Do they know what to do if they don't? You do have to think of these things sometimes. I'm glad you and Gracie got thru a fall relatively unscathed, AND found your gift-cards ( is having a killer sale this week too-- percentages off if you spend a certain amount)