Friday, May 27, 2011

What Garden....

This is pretty much what mine
looks like right now, but only one
 Where did it go?  Well I started growing some items indoors and they were doing really well until the mold started growing and I learned that was due to over watering. oops.  Also living in wonderful Northeast Ohio means weather changes all the time at this time of year which also means our house does as well.  I don't think it was warm enough for my little plants so I am going to start over.  Someone told me to put something plastic over them so the heat stays more contained. 

All this to say that even though I have already made one small attempt of which I failed I am going to try again in a box garden in the back yard.  Yes a little too ambitious may but I was hoping for a little help.  Anyone out there have what to do and what not to do advice.  I can use all the help I can get and all kinds of help.  Go with any thought you have......


Anonymous said...

Sweet Garden Box

Robert said...

Hey I can bring over some of my mint for your garden. That is the only thing I can grow and it is going nuts.