Sunday, September 18, 2011

Game 3

Well, I did not make it to game #2 nor did I listen to it.  I was shooting a wedding for most of the day so I was given the update of the game by my hubby later that night.  Game #3 however was the longest I have sat through a game so far, challenge, you bet.  I am pregnant and this child sits low so each time I get up to chase Grace, it means I need to go to the bathroom... again;)  I did have a couple helpers but I think it maybe time for a plan B so I don't come home in pain.  Let's just say it has already been a great Friday and Saturday but I will pay for it all week.  The game well it ended with a score of 22-24.  So close and but the Bee's kicked a field goal in the last 5 seconds of the game.  We are now 2-1 and praying we come back with good lessons from this game.

So with that lets just look at some fun pictures...

Mommy & Gracie matching shirts

sucker time
 Daddy Time
 snacks are welcome at any point ;)
 Our Little Pioneer Fans
 A Little Football
 tackles with smiles & giggles
Our Newest Family Photo

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