Tuesday, July 17, 2012

8 Months

My dear sweet boy, you keep us on our toes.  You don't sit still for long and you will climb anything. You understand and obey when you want but sometimes the excitement of going up the step is much more fun.  I can set you at one end of the kitchen while I make a salad and in top speed you head for the steps.  As I come in after you, you get so excited when I say Nolan, when I pick you up you laugh and kick like crazy.  You are a joy.  Gracie loves you so much and you follow her every move.  Best friends who can't wait to see each other first thing in the morning and love the hugs and kisses at night. You will eat and chew on anything even if it is a shelf.  You of course think you can stand and walk so very often you topple over because your mind is ready but your body is not, but you try.

Your eye remains in the same situation and we are praying it clears up so you won't need surgery. Although the doctor says you are not allergic to cats I don't think they help.  Whenever you are around cats your eye seems only to get worse.  1 month buddy, we got to get this fixed.

Mom Look at Me:
  • you now have 3 teeth on top and 2 on bottom
  • you are now on those textured baby foods.  not sure how much you like the chunks.  these new foods are gross mixes i.e. green beans and pears with random chunks of green beans.  it looks gross.
  • you are mobile in all areas and have started letting go once standing.  you are not read to walk yet but you have no fear, not good for mommy.
  • you are also climbing the steps.
  • your hands and feet are always wet and clammy.
  • you love your puffs and mums.  you have official tried table food, carrots and you did great!
  • you are loud. gracie yells you yell back. funny 
  • you make lots of sounds, you copy sounds as well.  so far none on que for a camera but we are working on it.  amen, dadda, bob, momma, gracie sounds like gaycie
  • you are a great sleeper
  • you are now in all 6 month items and 6-9 month items.
  • you are full in a size 3 diaper.
  • bath time has also been perfected so that both of us can enjoy it
  • you give kisses & I love them
  • nicknames:little man, squirt, buddy, pumpkin, sweet boy
Routine - These are pretty true
  • between 7 & 8am bottle
  • 10am bottle
  • 12 jar of baby food
  • 1:30 bottle(sometimes)
  • 2pm nap
  • 4:30pm bottle
  • 6pm veggie & fruit
  • 7:30 final bottle (this final bottle goes like this: 6oz of water, 3 scoops of formula, add oatmeal)
  • bedtime around 8pm
all bottles are 6 oz
 angry bird
 just plain mad

places you can find nolan:
 under the table
 crawling after his mama
climbing on mama's legs 
pulling all the toilet paper off the roll 
drumming on the toilet lid, 
don't worry I never let him 
play in the bathroom long 
hanging out at the front door 
peeking through the window

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