Friday, July 27, 2012

Blueberries {Summer Spectacular}

We have been apple picking and strawberry picking, next on the list blueberries.  Although I don't love blueberries Gracie does.  We were there for about 45 minutes at about 9:30 it was already 85 degrees so we decided to head home but we got plenty of blueberries.

nolan was trying to eat the blueberries of course


The Burgess family said...

I love your "summer spectacular" series, what a great idea to make the most of summer like this!

The Schenk Family said...

thanks kit. it just seems some summers pass and there was so much later I remember I wanted to do so this year I made a list. plus it makes for fun outings. I not sure when the kids are older if they will love it but I am sure I will be promoting family game night or movie night.