Wednesday, June 17, 2015

First Recital

Gracie finally completed her first year of tap and ballet. She did a great job and we were all so proud of her and thankful all she learned.  And I had to learn how to do a child's make-up and hair for a recital;)

 Gracie doing ballet
 then tap
 the big finish they all pretended to play and guitar, gracie was into it
her sweet friend, classmate, and toothless bud Lillian 

Below is the funniest clips of there true personalities...
 excited to be done
receiving flowers 
 why thank you
no way 
 something fun
gets funnier 
 and funnier
hilarious...this is normal
hmmm I think laugh resembles someone:) 
 nice and windy
so proud of our little lady!

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