Thursday, September 6, 2012

August Brings Changes

Besides the absence of Troy August has made for some unexpected and exciting changes.  First, as of August 1st I am not longer a working mom.  At the end of July Troy and I made the decision for me to stay home with the kids.  This may sound like a simple decision for some but for us it was a hard idea to trust the income that would becoming in but it was the best decision for our family.  On the day of the notice was to be turned in I called Troy 3 times to be sure I was doing the right thing.  I was just a little scarred.

Since August brings the time of single parenthood for most coaches wives and I was finally staying home with the kids I thought it would be fun to take a trip to Cincinnati during 2 a-days to spend sometime with my family.  We left saturday afternoon so the kids could nap in the car.  As soon as I got to the house I got a text asking if our Murano was still for sale.  The rest of the day Saturday and most of the day Sunday I preceded to text back and forth information about the car and negotiate the price.  On Tuesday morning I drove all the way back to Canton and on Wednesday we made the transfer.  We are now a 1 small compact car family.  Now we are on the road to looking for a van, the mommy mobile that I so much wanted to avoid I now long for;)

Good Bye Murano you kept us safe and we loved all our long
trips that were so wonderful with your sweet accommodations.

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