Sunday, May 26, 2013

4 1/2

Gracie is 4 1/2 and while do Nolan's stats she want hers done as well.  I also thought I would try and make note of the little things Gracie has been up to.

Here are his stats:

Height: 42 1/4 inches
Weight: 35 lbs 2 oz
Head Circumference: 19 1/2 inches

You love stuffed animal which you call your friends.  You make friends with anyone and everyone at the park.  You love the neighbors and invite them over all the time.  You would swim all day if possible.  You love to color and you are really good at it.  You now draw people like mermaids and people and you are really good.  You love wearing pearls.  We try and have a dance party once a day.  Most recently you actually asked me to cut your hair a certain length.  You love to learn and can't wait to go to sunday school.  In the last month you have lost 3 of your favorite friends(stuffed animals) and 2 were found at other people's houses.  Pretty sure the last one is not coming back:(  You ask it you can try clothes on now when we are at the store.  You are so good with your brother, you protect him and always watching out for him.  Yes, sometimes you fight but not as often as you love playing together.

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