Monday, May 31, 2010

One School Morning

Just a couple cute pictures of Gracie before school in her adorable coat.

I love her in pig tails!

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Part 2 of the Graduation / Mother's Day Weekend

As, I had mentioned in the last post, Kristen, Sheila and myself went for pedicures on Saturday as a Mother's Day treat.  Then headed to Graduation and then out to dinner to celebrate both occasions.  Mother's Day Sunday was a sunny day and we got some fun pictures of everyone playing around.

***Warning Picture Overload***

my gracie girl

sawyer taking it all in
sawyer being smothered by his cousin gracie, all 
the while maintaining the thumb in his mouth
papa & sawyer, doing the zoolander pose
sawyer with uncle cliff, again the thumb
poor uncle cliff trying for just 1 photo 
and my gracie not having it, sorry

Thursday, May 27, 2010

We're Famous!

Ok not really but it is still exciting.  I am sure you have seen those picture frames that have some random, girls or some family in it them that you have never seen before and you just keep walking.  But next time you are at your local Hobby Lobby you might just stop and see my face in that frame.  Yes, that is right I am one of those people in that frame.  My friend Molly, her sister is in graphic design and a bunch of her frame designs got picked up and are being sold at Hobby Lobby.  For the sample picture one of them happens to be three girls, Molly, Nicole and myself at Molly's wedding in Florida a couple of years back.  Pretty cool!

Me, Nicole, Molly
Molly's daughter Pearl

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Pretty in Pink

A couple of weeks back we went to a birthday party where there was an ice cream truck.  The ice cream I choose was ment for the two of us to share.  Once Gracie got a hold of the ice cream she never let it go, even when she fell she held the ice cream up high, her daddy was so proud : ) Thankfully our friend Liz from, Liz Hehman Photography, got a couple adorable pictures of Gracie enjoying her strawberry ice cream, yum!

She looks like such a big girl
yum, yum!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Part 1 of the Graduation / Mother's Day Weekend

On Friday, May 7th, Troy's parents flew in to spend a very busy weekend with us. Kyle & Kristen moved out of our house and into their new house, while we were welcoming another set of guests for the weekend. Friday night was spent working on Kyle & Kristen's house, and early on Saturday the 3 girls went out for pedicures. On May 8, Troy officially graduated with his Master . I was so proud watching Troy walk across that stage I found myself tearing up a little. I am very proud of him and I know that between his job, school and a new baby he had so much going on when he was trying to finish. So many other things were pulling on him but he was able to focus. He did such a great job and all the while maintaining awesome grades. Although he was done taken classes last summer, he has not had much of a vacation between work and life. Soon, very soon, a much need vacation will take place and I am sure there will be lots of fun late nights and a lot of sleeping in. But, until then, he is done and we have the documents to prove it. Congratulations babe!

Troy receiving his hood
Shaking hands
Troy in the large crowd

The Schenk's
Papa & Grandma Schenk with Gracie & Sawyer
The Very Proud Parents
The little Family
(Gracie was done, sorry)

Friday, May 21, 2010

18 Month Stats

This month Gracie is 18 months.  I was excited for this check-up to see how Gracie has grown.  At her 15 month check up, Dr. Weber did mention she was on the low side at only 16th percentile for weight and 37th percentile for height.  We were sure she was going to be a shortie, with a rather large head at 80th percentile.  This month we were hoping for some exciting numbers.  It seems all of Gracie's jeans are too short but the little 18 month pants are too big in the waist.  I have heard that either Target or Old Navy have jeans were you can tighten the waist.  I am going to have to check those out.  I know they exist but I am hoping for a low cost, any suggestions?  Anyway, her 18 month stats are as follow:

Weight: 23lbs 15oz - in the 46th percentile
Height: 32.75 inches - in the 82nd percentile - 2.75 inches in 3 months, her daddy is so proud
Head: 19 inches - the 91st percentile - only a 1/2" difference but wow off the charts

Here is what she has been up too:
*climbs chairs
*she loves playing with bubbles
*stroller rides are her favorite
*anything that has to do with being outside
*she loves animals, especially dogs, everytime she hears one bark she stops and listens very intently
*she still does her excited face
*she loves to cuddle in the morning
*talking a lot but her parents do not always understand
*she is down to 1 nap a day
*she loves shoes
*she loves when we play chase
*working on her words
*her most recent, pushing her baby in the shopping cart
*many more that I am sure I will remember later...

Gracie being sneaky
oh, she had mommy's water bottle
She likes it so much better out of my bottle then her own
Gracie hanging out with mommy & daddy
 as we got yard work done

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Duck, Duck, Goose!

One rainy day in ohio, ok so right now it is always raining.  Which attracts cute ducks like the ones below.  We are close to the park and I think they enjoy the big puddles and the attention from the residence.  And an added bonus of not fighting over food with the geese.  I allured the ducks with cheerios no less to our front steps so Gracie could get as close as possible.  She did pretty good except when they would get close she would wave her arms in excitment and of course scared them to go the other direction.  None the less she loved it and luckly I had my camera close by to get a couple shots.

duck, duck
very cute
so close

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

An Auntie Again

Yes, that is right! I am an Auntie once again in 2010. You may remember from my previous post "It Must Be in the Water & "2009 Big Reveal", that my brother Steve and wife Kassi were expecting a boy. There due date was May 15th. Kassi had gestational diabetes which means watching everything she eats. It also made the doctors watch her extra carefully. On Friday, May 14th, Steve and Kassi headed to the hospital to have her labor induced. The little guy was breech and by the next morning they were headed in for a c-section, where the baby official entered into the world.

Aiden Henry Wilson
May 15, 2010
9lbs 3oz
Brand New
He actually looks like a baby no cone head here!
This and the next photo are my favorite.  Look at that hair
and that big tear.  I think he looks so much like Steve.
Still a big tear, awww!
I can't wait to meet the little guy.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Spring Game

A couple of weekends ago Gracie and I attended our first football game of the year. Although Malone was scrimmaging themselves it was fun to go watch, just to see how they are doing. With a whole new staff, there are a lot of changes for everyone. Gracie did great sitting with me and seemed pretty entertained by just the kids. It was a cold day for a game, but that is Ohio for you.

Gracie playing aroung in the Stadium
Gracie & Daddy
taking in the scenery

Gracie heading down the field

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Just a Couple of Crafts

Oh, how I love to craft.  But it seems that I never make time for it.  I always think of the numerous other things that need to be done.  But it seems that some how there has been enough time in my days to put together a "How to" book of all the crafts I want to do and make a few things as well.

I fell in love with this Amy Butler bag that I have been dying to make but before I destroyed some great fabric I thought I would start with a simple bag pattern I bought and with fabric that is much cheaper.  I did add a couple of extra pockets for holding diapers and some other spacific items I carry. It came out pretty good.  Although it did come out a lot bigger then the picture made it out to be.  I even commented to a friend that once I completed the orginal pattern I would make another that was much bigger.  Turns out I won't need too.

By the way following a pattern was one of my biggest challenges.  I usually just cut and sew by what I see in my minds eye or looking at a picture seems to be much easier.

I hope to use this big bag for a lot of fun trips this summer.

I have also been very busy making lots of baby gifts...
shower gifts for Matthew
burp clothes, bibs & blankets
nursing cover #1
nuring cover #2
nursing cover #3
nursing cover #4
nursing cover # 5

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wild Thing

Although my duaghter is a sweetie she does have a wild side.  Are you surprised? :)  I know me neither.   She is a silly little thing and she loves to play.  Below are just a few pictures of Grace having a calm moment and then a wild moment.

Gracie trying to peak in on her cousin Sawyer
Gracie and Sawyer hanging out
and there she goes, wahoo!!
Gracie loves running back and forth on the couch.  One of
us sites on the edge and she runs back and forth bouncing
off the edges like a pinball.  She loves it!

photos courtesy of Kristen