Friday, October 8, 2010

Are You Alone?

Do you ever feel alone?  I don't mean the great moment where you can sit in peace and quite and get what you need done or do whatever you want.  I mean you feel alone inside.  One thing about moving from place to place that I have come face to face with is a feeling of being alone.  No longer being surrounded 24 hours of the day by my girlfriends in college or sitting and share with them face to face anytime.  Sometimes standing in my house, in the middle of target or at the grocery store I feel alone.  Why am I alone?  I have to step back and remember that I am never truly alone.  God is standing by me 24 hours of the day.  I have a husband that supports me in all things, all challenges and all struggles.  And tonight as I look at the people on our prayer list I realize how many people I have in my life all the time.  People that have touched my life and influenced my life.  What a total lie to tell myself I am alone, that I have no one to turn to.  I have plenty of people to turn to but it is my choice to open up.  With all the moves I have become more closed up, a way to protect myself but all the while missing out on great relationships.  Don't get me wrong there are times when I am really good at stepping out of my box and really opening up to someone.  But it is easier just to keep quite and not say anything but doing so you miss out on so much, so many great people, great opportunities to be blessed.  You miss out on so much when you close up.  But it is easier said then done, to keep your heart open.  I think that although I know it in my heart to trust in the Lord in all things, it will always be something I am learning.

1 comment:

The Burgess family said...

We've moved a lot and I know what you mean. I think becoming a mother makes it harder also because you're focused on your kids instead of friends, and it is easy to forget that you're not alone after all. thanks for sharing this, I appreciate it!