Monday, October 18, 2010


Although Gracie is not officially 2 she is close enough to start Awana's this year.  She is in the youngest group called Puggles.  I know a puggle is a dog but when it comes to Awana's I think it is a platypus.  I was not sure how she would do but of course she loved it.  There is playtime, singing time, story time and of coarse craft time.  She loves it.  On our drive home we sing songs.  I think we have made sure that grandparents have gotten a chance to enjoy the singing.  It has been a lot of fun.  
Gracie's First Night going to Puggles


Jenny said...

My boys LOVED Puggles!! They are both in Cubbies now, but I can't wait until Eve is a Puggle.

The Burgess family said...

So jealous of you and Jenny both. They don't have Puggles here, they start at Cubbies. I take the older two to Cubbies and Sparks and Pearlie is SO SAD she doesn't get to stay too :(