Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Kansas Work

While we were in Kansas having a blast we also worked really hard on the Farm and the Farm house. The first few days as a I mentioned before we cleaned up a bunch of the trees.  It looks so nice.

Look how you can see threw the trees.

When I got to Kansas I picked out a color of siding I thought would look nice on the house next thing I knew siding was being delivered and we were ready to go.  Below are the before pictures of the house.
 make sure to count the the time it is one there will be 4 missing/gone

We even let the kids color on the house.  Everyones names and 
spouses were added with all the grandkids...I may have helped a little;)

 and it begins

 i started out cutting the siding

 this is girl and I share in a crazy heart makes working 
on a house so much more fun!

 running into a problem and fixing it

 my morning office
 best way to stay as cool as possible and stop getting burned wearing SPF50
Are you ready to see the house all done?!?!?

 We didn't get this small section done before we left.  Marv was waiting 
not the new door to come in and had to also install the new window.
Randy actually asked if those were new windows because 
it looked so good and then window trim was so white.

It really looks so good.  Even the roof had damage from the storms so the insurance company guy came out and decided they needed a whole new roof.  We were so excited to hear the insurance was going to fix it.  What a blessing to have the house outside all ready to go for the winter.  I can't wait to see it at Christmas it is going to look amazing with all the updates!

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